Below is some guidance on how to object to the proposal for the Pencloe Wind Farm Extension. We’ve been told we have a voice, so let’s use it.

You need to submit your objection before 12th March 2025.

Anyone can object but they need to be 18 or older. Each member of your household can object provided they have a unique email address.

Generate an Objection Letter 

We've made it easy to get started—all you need is an email app on your phone or laptop, such as Gmail or Outlook.

You will be asked to enter your name and address, select a few reasons, and then generate the email. You can adjust it to suit your needs before sending, if you wish. It's that easy!

If you are unsure how this will look, you can view the visual provided by the developer or view all the documents as part of the application on the Energy Consent Unit website.

You can object using the Objection Letter Generator or you can do it on your own by following the steps below.

Creating the Objection Letter on your own

Your objection letter doesn’t need to be long or complicated—just 1 or 2 points are perfectly fine. Include what matters to YOU. It will be most effective if you write the objections in your own words, or you can use the option above rather than not objecting at all!

The planning application can be found online on the Energy Consent Unit website

Start Your Email

  1. Address your email to:
  1. Email Subject Line - Use the following subject:
Objection To Pencloe Wind Farm Extension - ECU00005185 | 24/0003/S36
  1. Main Content of the Email

Start with your name and address; these must be included for a valid objection. The planning application reference needs to be added as shown below—just copy these. You can them use the template below or write in your own format.


Mr Bob Wilson
18 Connel Park
New Cumnock
KA18 5AY

ECU Ref: ECU00005185
East Ayrshire Council Planning Ref: 24/0003/S36

Objection To Pencloe Wind Farm Extension

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to formally object to the planning application for the Pencloe Wind Farm Extension, which proposes up to five wind turbines with blade tip heights of up to 149.9 meters, along with associated infrastructure, to be located approximately 4 km south-west of the settlement of New Cumnock.

I object to the Pencloe Wind Farm Extension proposal on the following grounds:

[Your Objection Reasons Here]

Mr Bob Wilson
  1. Stating Your Reasons for Objection

Some suggestions you could mention:

Landscape and visual impact

You may wish to object to the visual impact of the proposed wind farm. To better understand the potential impact, you can view the visuals included in the application.

Example : The proposed wind farm will have a severe and detrimental landscape and visual impact. Positioned on a prominent ridge, the turbines will appear overbearing and highly visible.
Example: The proposed wind farm has unacceptable adverse visual impacts on community of New Cumnock, the B741 settlements and the general local rural area by way of its proximity, scale and appearance and its adverse impacts on the surrounding landscape.

Cumulative impact

You may be concerned that too many wind farms are built or planned in the area, so this proposal increases the cumulative impact.

Example: The cumulative impacts of the proposed development, when considered alongside existing and approved wind farms, impose a severe and unacceptable burden on the local area.


You could object to the proximity of proposed turbines to important amenities, public footpaths or your home.

Impact on residents and communities

  • Noise pollution and visual intrusion affecting quality of life.
  • Disruption from construction traffic, particularly on rural roads.

Threat to wildlife

  • Threats to protected species like birds of prey, otters, bats, or other local wildlife.
  • Damage to habitats, such as peatlands, which are significant carbon stores.

Economic Impacts

  • Negative effects on tourism due to an industrialised landscape.
  • Inadequate evidence of community economic benefits

Other VALID objections could be:

  • Construction Noise
  • Traffic disruption during construction
  • Nature, environment, biodiversity (birds, animals, peat)
  • Health and well being
  • Tourism
  1. Acknowledgement

Once you have completed your email, send it and await an acknowledgment of your submission.

  1. Emailing the planning committee

You may also want to forward your concerns by email to members of the East Ayrshire Council Planning Committee. This will ensure they are aware of your reasons for objecting to the proposal.

The planning committee email addresses are listed below. You can copy and paste the full section below:

[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];