Pencloe Wind Farm recently held public drop-in events to present plans for a "modest 5-turbine extension" to the 19 turbines currently under construction on Afton Road.
The proposed extension will be located on land owned by Ashmark Farm, which is within walking distance of New Cumnock Cemetery, making it very close to the village. Planning permission for wind farms at this location has been declined multiple times since 2011 under different proposals, including ‘Ashmark Hill Wind Farm’ and ‘Ashmark Hill Community Wind Farm.’ The original plans for the site included 7 turbines.
Currently, 19 turbines are being constructed at Pencloe. The initial plans called for 21 turbines, but 2 were removed from the proposal. If the extension is approved, the total number of turbines in the area will reach 24, which is more than originally planned.
View the visuals of the proposed extension or view all the documents by going to
Our Village is no longer safe
Afton Road has been plagued by excessive speeding, dangerous driving and a general sense of insecurity for residents. Many feel unsafe driving to their homes and are unable to let their children play outside due to the heavy traffic. Local businesses are also being affected, as people no longer feel safe leaving to enjoy the nearby countryside walks.
Due to the ongoing issues with speeding and dangerous driving, residents have been advised to report these incidents directly to the police on 101.
It’s the same story with every new wind farm development, our town is not being respected. We strongly urge you to object to any new wind farms in the area. With years of construction still ahead for the already-approved wind farm developments, enough is enough!
Cumulative impact of Wind Farms
The cumulative impact of these developments must be properly reviewed by the local authority, Scottish Government and highlighted to the local MSP. It is unbelievable how so many wind farms have been allowed to be built in the area.
Below is an interactive map that clearly shows the concentration of wind farm developments in the area. The map includes existing, proposed, and future developments. It is truly a sad sight, as we are now nearly surrounded in all directions!
Impact on Community
These developments are already having a significant impact on the community and the well-being of residents. At present, we still face years of disruption due to wind farms that have already been granted planning permission.
Between the recently approved and under-construction wind turbines at Pencloe Wind Farm, Enoch Hill Wind Farm, Lethans Wind Farm, Lorg Wind Farm, Greenburn Wind Park, and Enoch Hill 2, there are a total of 97 wind turbines. Most of these have not even been built yet but more projects continue to be approved.
In addition, new planning applications are being prepared for submission, including the Pencloe Extension (5 turbines), Hare Hill Repowering (27 turbines), and other sites under consideration for development. When will this end?
Locals have already raised concerns with councillors, the New Cumnock Community Council and other bodies involved in these projects. We urge you to do the same and make our voices heard!
How can you have your voice heard?
When planning applications are submitted, we urge you to object. We will provide guidance on how to do so. These applications are expected to be submitted within the next month or two (December 2024 or January 2025), but we will keep our website updated and post updates on social media.
Contact your local councillors and voice your concerns:
Contact your local MSP Elena Whitham
Write to the Scottish Government at [email protected]