Pencloe Wind Farm is proposing an extension to their ongoing development on Afton Road. The new proposal includes a "modest 5-turbine extension" in addition to the 19 turbines currently under construction. Initially, plans were for 21 turbines, but they had to reduce the count. Now, they are proposing an additional 5 in the area, bringing the total to 24.
The new turbines will be built on land owned by Ashmark Farm, walking distance from New Cumnock Cemetery and extremely visible. You can view the visuals and all planning documents on These will be the closest ones to the village so far. The area where the turbines will be built has already had multiple planning applications declined.
Residents have endured a significant increase in traffic due to the number of HGVs and contractors. The Afton Road has been subject to speeding and dangerous driving. Residents has been raising concerns about speeding with the company and contractors for months. Afton Road is no longer a safe place for locals to live, drive, cycle or walk. We cannot let this continue, if you are wondering why please read about the issues and see how our countryside now looks on a map.
The planning application has not been submitted yet but may be at the start of 2025. We urge you to object to this planning proposal, and we will post updates when the application is submitted.